Liang Pei(梁培) Mail (1982 .07 )
Affiliation:China Jiliang University(中国计量大学)
Email:plianghust@126.com Telephone:150 5818 1796
Research Interesting
Research on spectral detection technology, instrument and detection system, including SERS and SEF; Multi - scale multi - physical field coupling algorithm; Low dimensional semiconductor materials material device synthesis and characterization technology, energy collection and conversion materials research;
Education &Work Experiences
2005/09-2009/7 Ph. D in Solid state electronics and microelectronics (Super advisor: Prof. Jianjun, Jiang), School of Optics and Electronics Information,Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
2009/07-2012/07 Lecturer, College of optical science and Engineering, China Jiliang University
2010/10-2010/12 Visiting scholar, APCTP, Pohang university of technology
2012/07-Till Now Associate professor, College of optical science and Engineering, China Jiliang University
2014/09-2014/12 Visiting scholar, APCTP, NTU (Nanyang Technological University)
2017/08-2017/10 Visiting scholar, APCTP, NTU (Nanyang Technological University)
Brief introduction of my research
In recent years, we mainly focus on the synthesis of nanomaterials and structures and their applications in energy and SERS detection and SEF detection. In addition, combined with spectroscopy, especially Raman spectroscopy, the surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy and surface enhanced fluorescence technology have been systematically studied in chemical reaction process, trace material detection and identification. His major areas of expertise include first principles calculations and multi-scale and multi-physical field calculations and programming, chemical reaction processes and phase transition processes based on Raman spectroscopy and their kinetic processes. As the first author or corresponding author, he has published more than 60 SCI papers including Advanced Materials, ACS Nano, Advanced Science, JMCA, etc., with a total of 1,800 citations. At the same time, it pays attention to the combination of scientific research and industry. In the field of optics and space lighting and electronic control system, the total fund of enterprise cooperation projects has exceeded 7 million yuan in the past five years, helping enterprises to complete the application for intellectual property rights and high-tech enterprises, and carrying out several cooperation projects of industry and college.